GMAT Courses
Everyone studying for the GMAT Focus Edition needs to achieve their best possible GMAT score, keeping in mind the minimum score required by the school they’re applying to. This score is based on the 3 subjects of the GMAT: Quantitative section, Verbal section and Data Insights section. We believe taking courses for these three subjects to be essential. Depending on your situation, you may want to add on a Basic Math course or the Bootcamps after the courses. And always join our Free Introduction course.
All our courses come with an online platform to prepare and review lesson materials, as well as live sessions with a teacher.
Our courses
We offer our courses in three attractive package deals. The courses that come with live sessions can also be bought separately. To see all details, click the button below.
See our plans and pricing!
Free Introduction
This is the best place to start if you’re new to the GMAT. It’s free and full of useful information. It mimics our other courses, consisting of an online platform with content, combined with a 2 hour live session with one of our experts. You will find answers to all the questions you might have about the GMAT, such as: How is the GMAT scored? How do you prepare to take the GMAT? Which resources do you need?
You will also find more information about the courses we offer and how they help you prepare for the test thoroughly and efficiently.

Basic Math Course
You are not allowed to use a calculator on all subjects in the GMAT. This means you will have to do all calculations by hand. Is mathematics not your strong suit? Has it been a while since you took your last math classes? Or would you simply like to make sure your skills are sufficient before starting the Quantitative course? Then this is the perfect course for you.
The Basic Math course is a fully digital course, offered on our online platform. It is accessible 24/7 to minimize the loss of time before starting your preparations for the Quantitative course.

Quantitative Course
The Quantitative course offers a complete overview of all the theory required for this section. It will teach you how to solve the Quant problems on the GMAT. The course focuses on answering the question type of the Quant section: Problem Solving. Further, it also covers the Data Sufficiency questions of the Data Insights section.
If you benefit from structured, step-by-step learning and if you want to make sure you cover all essential topics, this course is for you.
The quantitative course is our most popular and most valued course, recommended by almost all our customers.

Verbal Course
In the Verbal course you develop your GMAT Verbal skills. This course offers a complete overview of all the theory required for the three types of Verbal questions on the GMAT: Sentence Correction, Critical Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension. We will teach you how to analyze Verbal problems and discuss tricks and strategies to increase your answering efficiency.
If you benefit from structured preparation and if you want to make sure you cover all essential aspects of the Verbal section, this course is for you.

Data Insights
In the Data Insights course you develop your GMAT Data Insights skills. This course covers all subjects of the DI section, except for the Data Sufficiency questions. That subject is covered in the Quantitative Course.
The Data Insights course will be taught by one of GMAT Amsterdam's most valued teachers, and will be adjusted to group needs during the Q1 and Q2 in 2024.

Quantitative Bootcamp
The Quantitative Bootcamp is an advanced course, best followed after the Quantitative course or after sufficient self-study. In the Quantitative course, we focused on application of theory to GMAT problems. In the Bootcamp, we will take the next step and focus on endurance, strategy, and time management. You will learn how to increase your efficiency and your chances of finding the right answer.
If you are already familiar with the theory and are looking to optimize your performance and your score, this course is for you.

The Verbal Bootcamp is an advanced course, best followed after the Verbal course or after sufficient self-study. In the Verbal course, we focused on application of theory to GMAT problems. In the Bootcamp, we will take the next step and focus on endurance, strategy, and time management. You will learn how to increase your efficiency and your chances of finding the right answer.
If you are already familiar with the theory and are looking to optimize your performance and your score, this course is for you.

Data Insights Bootcamp
This course is under development and will be made available during 2024
Follow the free introduction
The Free Introduction contains lot of valuable information about the GMAT. What should you expect from the test, how do you prepare, what is the best practice material? All information is available on demand on our e-learning platform complemented with live Q&A sessions to answer any questions you have.
Sign up for the free introduction!Need help?
Let us contact you and help you to get you started with personal advice.
Discuss your preparation plan with an expert
Unsure what is the best course for your personal GMAT preparation plan?
Get in contact with us and we will help you to nail your GMAT exam!