Mar 09, 2023
On this page, we tell you everything you need to know about the CEMS Master in International Management at Bocconi University. The university is located in Milan, Italy's most cosmopolitan and dynamic city, which attracts students from all over the world. Learn more about Bocconi University, its Master in International Management and the GMAT requirements below.
Bocconi University
Università Bocconi, founded in 1902, was the first Italian university to offer a degree in economics. It is a teaching and research university of international stature in economics, management, political science, computer science and legal studies. Bocconi's master's programs in economics, management and finance are among the best in the world. It is therefore no surprise that The QS World University Rankings placed Bocconi among the five best institutions in Europe in these fields, while the Financial Times ranked the Master of Science in Finance and Management among the best 10 in the world.
Master in International Management
The MSc in International Management at Bocconi is divided into three different programs, including the CEMS Master in International Management. The CEMS Master in International Management program is an independent choice of the MSc in International Management and it is offered during the second year of the MSc in International Management at Bocconi. Below we discuss more in detail about the CEMS Master in International Management and what the admission requirements are.
CEMS Master in International Management
CEMS is a global alliance of 34 leading business schools, multinational corporations and NGOs that together offer the CEMS Master in International Management. The CEMS Master in International Management is a joint degree program that can be pursued at any of the academic member schools , including Bocconi. Bocconi is one of the four founding members of CEMS and the only university in Italy that offers the prestigious CEMS master. At the end of your studies, you will be awarded both the Master in International Management degree issued by CEMS and the Italian MSc degree in International Management issued by Bocconi.
Required GMAT-score
First, it is important to note that as an international student, you must take the GMAT to gain admission to an Msc program at Bocconi University. The GMAT is seen by their admissions committee as a fair and objective way to compare applications. Bocconi requires only the total score (verbal and quantitative sections) of the GMAT. No specific scores are required for admission. However, because the average GMAT score will be quite high, we recommend that you aim for as high a score as possible.
Second, it is important to note that for the CEMS Master in Management application, a GMAT score above 600 is not required. However, those who do will be preferred for evaluation because admission to the CEMS MIM is highly selective. Therefore, we recommend that you target your minimum target score above 600.
Preparation is key
Achieving your desired GMAT score requires a solid preparation plan and a lot of hard work and dedication. Therefore, we recommend that you start your preparation on time. Are you in doubt if you are preparing for the GMAT in the right way? Feel free to contact GMAT Amsterdam and we are glad to inform you about which preparation suits your situation best.
Our courses
We offerĀ GMAT preparation courses courses in three attractive package deals. The courses that come with live sessions can be bought separately from other courses. To see all details, click the button below.Ā
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